
Contact Information Web Scraping Automation 

Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR)

Objective:Automate extraction of pertinent information from scholarly literature, streamlining systematic literature reviews by efficiently gathering and summarizing details on demand planning methodologies.


  - Python for scripting and automation.

  - Web scraping: Selenium and BeautifulSoup for extracting data from web pages.

  - Natural Language Processing (NLP): Utilizing NLTK for processing and understanding textual content.

  - Possible integration of topic modeling libraries for enhanced information extraction.

OCR Tool for Data Extraction from Images and PDFs:

Image and PDF Compatibility

Accurate OCR Algorithms

PDF Parsing for Multi-page Documents

Data Structuring for Information Organization

Demand / Sales Forecasting

Objective- Forecast the Demand for food items such as snacks, juices, yogurt, etc. in Nigeria

Role-Responsible to develop machine learning algorithm for forecasting with high accuracy

Steps perform -With a time series and regression,the algorithm achieved an accuracy of 90%. Used combine forecasting

of Holtwinter, SARIMA, ARIMA and regression models in python. To make data multivariate we have

included microeconomic factors from reliable data sources of Nigeria

Skills Required – Python, Time series algorithms, Regression Algorithms

Stock Market Analysis 

Objective- To do an analysis of the historical data of NSE listed stocks to select the best stocks and perform prediction to get the future returns 

Steps perform  - Data Scaping from NSE site, statistical testing on historical data, creating lag, Moving average of 5 ,10 , 25 50 weeks. ROI, Time series decomposition , Forecasting with LSTM model .

Role - Create data pipeline using python and models 

 Skills- Python , Time series , NSE , stock market fundamentals 

Twitter Analysis

Objective- keeping track of what's being said about your product or service on social media, and can help you detect angry customers or negative mentions before they turn into a major crisis

Steps perform  - Gather Twitter Data(Twitter API) ,Prepare data ,Sentiment Analysis Model  ,Analyze for Sentiment ,Visualize Results

Role -Working on Twitter API and Sentiment Analysis Model 

Skills- Twitter API , Python , Sentiment Analysis Model , Power BI 

Data Analysis of Production and Process parameter

Objective- To get the impact of manufacturing parameters on the system. Analysis of Production Process Parameters by Using Data Mining Methods

Steps perform  - Data collection, Data cleaning, data manipulation, modelling, Reporting

Skills- SQL, Modelling, Python, Power BI

Production shop Dashboarding

Objective- line managers can see how production is going on a given day and whether or not their team is meeting their goals

Steps perform  - Requirements Gathering, Ideation and Wireframing, Storyboarding ,Mockups and Design Layout , Customizations , Iterate As Needed, Development 

Skills-Data understanding, power BI , KPI 

Movie recommendation engine

Objective- Provide a mechanism to assist users in classifying users with similar interests

Steps perform  - Matrix Factorization-based Algorithm, Creating Handcrafted Features, modeling

Skills-NLP, Modeling , Python , Power BI

Digital Production system

Objective-System to transform Paper base sheets used in production and process monitoring to digital data

Steps perform -Developing customize Apk for Data entry with process specific forms connected in network 

Role-with the help of sensors and Android based devices with customized data entry forms and transmitting data

to server (SQL database). Designed dashboard and reports to monitor the system

Skills-Spread sheets, Form designing, Dashboard designing, Power BI, Tableau, SQL.

IOT  -( Data Collection System)

Objective- Transforming manual data entry to automatic data collection

Steps perform -using Analog sensors and PLC connected with the central server and store data in SQL database.

Temperature, humidity, Air pressure and power readings automated.

Role -To check feasibility, conduct POE, Check Data in SQL server, implementation

Skills – SQL, sensors, networking, PLC